Coracobrachialis Muscle

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Coracobrachialis muscle:

It is one of the joint muscles of the shoulder, which mostly plays an auxiliary role to some other muscles such as the deltoid and biceps. This muscle is deeper than other muscles in this area and is located in the front and lower part of the upper arm.

This muscle should be strengthened well in various sports, including resistance and weight training, to guarantee the health of the arm joint. Because this muscle is narrow, it is more exposed to injuries related to fatigue and overtraining.



Coracobrachialis Muscle:


O: Coracoid process of the scapula
I: Medial shaft, middle 1/3 of the

• Flexes and adducts the shoulder



All the exercises that strengthen the flexor and adductor muscles of the arm also play a role in this muscle. An example of these exercises can be done with the cable with an open hand in adduction movement and the cable with a closed hand in front which strengthens the flexion movement of this muscle.

By strengthening this muscle, weight trainers in various sports, in addition to increasing the performance of athletes, reduce joint injuries in the arm area.

Strength and conditioning

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