Pull Up Exercise

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Pull Up Workout

Pull Up: This workout is one of the favorite workouts among Fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilding.

Involved muscles:

If the hands are open enough, the latissimus dorsi muscle is strengthened well in this exercise. Other muscles involved include the deltoid, pectoralis major, trapezius, and rhomboids muscle and a large number of smaller muscles in the shoulder and elbow joints are strengthened in this exercise.


In addition to strengthening the joints and muscles in the arm and shoulder area, this exercise can also improve the mobility of the body in this area. Performing this exercise with different hand distances will involve different muscles. Keep in mind that this movement is in two phases. In the upward movement, the muscles contract concentrically (shortening) and in the downward phase, the same muscles contract eccentrically (lengthening). Avoid dropping the body during the descent. If it is performed at the speed of the lowering phase, the probability of damage in the area of ​​the arm joint and elbow joints will be high. In addition, the muscles in the wrist joint are isometrically strengthened in this exercise.


Strength and conditioning

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